A bouquet of hand-set faceted crystals rest delicately on luminous filigree to create a hand-made pair of earrings that are universal in style appeal, whether for day or evening wear -- casual or elegant. Margaret makes each Perfect Pair to order, thus each is one-of-a-kind.
Fashion Fact: Margaret's Gatsby collection recalls design elements fashioned from descriptions and sound bites in F. Scott Fitzgerald's powerful prose.
Celebrity Culture: A popular pair for wear in fashion editorial, bridal editorial and on stars in music, television and film.
Dimensions: 2.75 to 3-inches in length
Materials: Rhodium finishing, for pierced ears, hand-set faceted crystals throughout bouquet and drop. Comes in Margaret Rowe Noir velvet box.
Fashion Fact: Margaret's Gatsby collection recalls design elements fashioned from descriptions and sound bites in F. Scott Fitzgerald's powerful prose.
Celebrity Culture: A popular pair for wear in fashion editorial, bridal editorial and on stars in music, television and film.
Dimensions: 2.75 to 3-inches in length
Materials: Rhodium finishing, for pierced ears, hand-set faceted crystals throughout bouquet and drop. Comes in Margaret Rowe Noir velvet box.